Compliance and Enforcement
Compliance and Enforcement (C&E) Program
Compliance and Enforcement (C&E) Program is the enforcement arm of the Agricultural Land Commission (ALC). Escalating populations have increased demands and put pressure on the BC land base over recent decades which resulted in an increase in reports of non-compliant activities in the Agricultural Land Reserve (ALR). The C&E initiative was brought into effect in 2007 out of concern that damage would continue to occur unless further protective measures were taken. C&E Program’s main purpose is to strengthen delivery of the ALC’s legislative mandate to ensure that activities taking place within the ALR are consistent with the Agricultural Land Commission Act (ALC Act). This is achieved by using a combination of education, compliance assessment and enforcement.
Officials designated under the ALC Act have legislated authority to enforce provisions of the ALC Act on ALR lands for the purposes of administering the ALC Act. Their authority includes entering and inspecting land, requesting records and issuing orders to stop work that contravenes (or has potential to contravene) provisions of the ALC Act, ALR Use Regulation, or orders of the commission.
The ALC C&E Program at full compliment consists of 6 officers, 1 Advisor and 1 Supervisor. In total 8 staff are responsible for the province-wide program. The C&E Officer’s key functions include:
- Responding to reports of alleged ALC contraventions on private or public ALR land, for residential, commercial or industrial-based activity;
- Conducting inspections;
- Seeking voluntary compliance when contraventions are found and taking enforcement actions when needed; and
- Developing and maintaining partnerships with municipalities and regional districts, Provincial agency staff, ALR landowners and/or the public.
The majority of observed contraventions are dealt with informally through compliance actions such as education, Compliance Notices, Notices of Contravention and Direction Letters to acquire voluntary compliance. Some require more persuasive enforcement actions such as Stop Work Orders, Remediation Orders or Administrative Penalties.
Operating with a small C&E staff necessitates working relationships with local government partners as well as Provincial Ministries to ensure the preservation of ALR land.
More information on the ALC’s Compliance and Enforcement Program can be found in the Compliance and Enforcement Management Framework: “ALC’s Approach to Ensuring Compliance“.
In addition, ALC collaborated with other provincial natural resource agencies (NRAs) to develop the “Compliance Management Framework – Natural Resource Agencies Approach to Ensuring Compliance”
Submit a complaint or referral for suspected unauthorized use of ALR land.